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Airedale Terrier Puppies

Airedale Terrier Puppies @ 4 Weeks Old

4 week old Airedale puppies

4 week old Airedale puppies

Annie, my San Diego California Airedale Terrier had nine puppies on January 2, 2019. There were three females and six males. We recently put color collars on all the puppies. So, below we will show photos of the females first and their color collar. The male puppy photos will follow and lastly, their weights at  four weeks old. Read more


Airedale Terrier puppy birthing

Airedale Terrier puppy birthing

Annie, our 4 1/2 year old AKC registered Airedale Terrier had her first litter of puppies in January. This video shows Annie letting her first three puppies nurse on the day of birth.

Actually, the entire Airedale birthing process took approximately eight hours. Except for two puppies that were enclosed in the same sack and burst at the same time, each puppy was born individually. So this video shows Annie letting her first three puppies nurse before the fourth puppy arrives. Read more


Airedale Puppy Tail Docking

Airedale Puppy Tail Docking

Two day old Airedale Terriers at the Vet for tail docking and Dewclaw removal.

This is what the AKC says on the subject of tail docking and dewclaw removal: Many owners of specific breeds wish to maintain their dog’s historic practical function by having their puppy’s ears cropped, tails docked, or dewclaws removed. While some unfamiliar with the breeds believe that this is purely aesthetic, these procedures actually enhance the dog’s ability to perform the tasks it is meant to do. Read more


California Airedale Puppies 4 Weeks Old

California Airedale Puppies  4 Weeks Old

4 week old Airedale puppies playing here in San Diego California.

Yesterday was the puppies four week old birthday! Annie, the Mom, had nine puppies, three females and six males.

Of the nine puppies, we only had three females. Here are their photos, from left to right, the colors are: yellow, red and purple.

The birthing pen, was left open so any could enter and exit any time she wanted. To keep the puppies in we put a small corrugated plastic separator between the gates, so Annie could just step over this to enter, but the puppies couldn’t get over it to get out. Read more


Airedale puppy birthday!

Happy Airedale 3 week puppy birthday!

1 week old Airedale puppies - Airedale puppy birthday!

1 week old Airedale puppies

Yes, on 1-2-2019 in the afternoon all nine puppies were born from about 2:58 PM to 11:50 PM.

After the first few days of birth, I went back to letting Annie naturally feed her pups. Well, in just 3 days, I would say it was a partial success. Now, for you folks who believe in letting things go all natural, I’m sorry to say I did have to intervene to help Annie out, but, just during the first few days..

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Backyard Breeders

Backyard Breeders

Backyard Breeders or more precisely backyard dog breeders.

Airedale Terrier puppy for sale

Airedale Terrier puppy

I got today’s idea for a post from a comment by Ann, on my Facebook post yesterday showing the first puppy to open its eyes. She said ‘Your peace is over'” Personally, I think I have a little more time before real bedlam sets in.

You know what?  I’m looking forward to every minute of this experience. Sure, sleeping on the sofa to be next to them when Annie goes in for an evening feed, really breaks up my sleep cycle but I’m getting used to it now. As with any growing family I’m planning expansion of their play area and new little puppy bowls so they don’t crowd each other out when it’s time to eat semisolid food. Read more


Airedale Terrier puppies Southern California

Airedale Terrier puppies Southern California

Three day old Airedale Terrier puppies born in San Diego California.

This video was taken when their eyes still had not opened. It was about a week before their eyes started to open. Even when the eyes are open, the first few days, I don’t think they are seeing correctly. It takes a little while for all the pathways to develop for correct vision. Read more


Airedale Terrier Newborn Puppies

Airedale Terrier Newborn Puppies

Airedale Terrier Newborn Puppies:

Airedale Terrier Newborn Puppies:

California Airedale Terrier giving birth to puppies. Airedale Mom cleans her newborn puppies just after their birth.

Annie the the mom is 53 1/2 pounds and 4 1/2 years old. This is her first litter of puppies From the time Annie gave birth to her first puppy, to the birthing of her last puppy (she had 10 puppies, but one was stillborn) actually lasted approximately eight hours. Read more


Airedale Puppy Feeding

Early Bird gets the . . . .

Airedale Puppy Feeding — Annie our 4.5Yr. old Airedale Terrier feeding one of her nine puppies. This just days old Airedale puppy was the first to get over to Annie after she entered the whelping pen. The other eight Airedale puppies are on their way over to Annie, but, just out of the photo frame.

Airedale puppy feeding

Airedale puppy feeding

All nine AKC Airedale puppies were born on January 2, 2019, starting around 3:00PM and going to almost midnight. Read more


Airedale Miracle

An Airedale Miracle

Airedale Terrier

Annie – San Diego Airedale Terrier @ 4.5Yrs old w/first litter

Annie our San Diego California Airedale Terrier, after giving birth to her first litter . . . became one year younger! Read more